Monday, July 12, 2010

The Indelible Stigmas of a Nation

Like anyone else, I also had a loving father and a treasured mother. They
were the ones who had to place me in the market to be auctioned. They didn’t win anything. They lost everything instead in their bid- Mother’s wedding necklace and father’s whole life savings.
I had never read in any of my text books, nor was I taught at any time in my life that there was a thing for which you had to give money to the buyer. I had been a stupid girl to accept that, it was nothing but my ignorance. The deal was nonetheless made, with a lifelong warranty…

In the first night, as he slit open the most delicate membrane of my virginity, I tried to vanquish my pangs in a wriggle or two concealing the chagrin with a tearless sob of silence. In his excitement of winning me, perhaps, he couldn’t see my inner tears, let alone my purity. He responded to my strained, dry smile with his passionate kisses, seized my repugnant body by both of his invasive, masculine, arms; combed my curly hair with his burning fingers; rubbed my nose, my eyes and my whole body to feel my warmth, as if he was up for devouring me…

Unperturbed, however, my parents too didn’t execute an agreement to state that the exchanged article could not be returned unconditionally. Unaware of the fact, perhaps, he was hasting with his meticulous scrutiny in making sure the quality of the flesh he had acquired to keep was worthwhile. Accordingly, he tickled to see my giggle, pinched to arouse my feeling and pulled my rather chilled hands towards him to make me feel his warmth… He had all the while been simply ignoring my struggle to convince him that he was not my pick. I had been gently and secretly closing all the outer doors of my reclusive self, one after the other, recouping bit by bit everything that was passed on to him by my desperate parents in the shape of human flesh.
Time has mournfully elapsed as I kept losing everything I preserved, like anyone else, for the attainment of joie de vivre. Little did I succeed to gather the audacity that a contemporary female counterpart normally could be expected to. Remorseful of their convictions, my beloved parents finally succumbed to their afflictions.
And here I am, still lamenting, lurking in the graveyard of my irrecoverable past, in sheer despair.
Belated though, now I started gaining the courage that I should have had long ago. Grappling with the broken fetters of a nuptial bondage while I continue waiting vainly for someone to take me abode, my silver hair conjures a wisp of a lurid, lackadaisical fate which is hard to be unlearnt. Notwithstanding, I have now become a capable lady who can courageously look after herself…
Everyday I receive tens of e-mail messages in my inbox, all from my kith and kin. Among many messages, occasionally I come across some weird ones too. I receive one such with an attachment. The concise message contains two magic words: ‘Should work.’
‘Should work what?’ An immediate question springs up in my mind, and I open the attachment. All of a sudden, the blank monitor screen turns divine. I scroll through inquisitively… In bold text it is written: ‘MAHA MRUTHYUNJAYA MANTRA.’ Underneath the scripture, appears Lord Shiva’s picture with a serpent standing upright on the right shoulder. The word, ‘Ohm’ is inscribed in Sanskrit in His open palm that bestows blessings.
I scroll forward and read, ‘SUGANDHIM PUSHTI VARDHANAM.’ In leopard-skin apparel, Lord Shiva is seen in dancing posture. Having scrolled further it reads: ‘URUVA RUKAMIVA BHANDHANATH.’ Again, Lord Shiva, with smiling face, holds a conch shell in right hand. I continue to read: ‘MRUTHYOR MUKSHEEYA MAMRUTHAATH.’ This time Lord Shiva appears with Parvathi and Ganesh. Ganesh pours out milk from a conch shell onto Shiva Linga the base of which is embellished with colourful flowers, placed around in abundance.

Next comes up the enticing message: “This is a powerful prayer of Shiva.

· Send this to 7 people within the next 5 minutes, and your wish will come true, somewhere, somehow. Do not keep this message. The mantra must leave your hands within 96 hours. You will get very pleasant surprise.
This is true, even if you are not superstitious. Forward this mantra to at least 5 people and your life will improve.
* 0 – 4 people: your life will improve slightly.
* 5 – 9 people: you will have at least 5 surprises in the next three weeks.
* 15 people and above: your life will improve drastically, and everything you ever dreamed of will begin to take shape.”

I am certainly not superstitious, but I believe I have become a victim of a social carnage. I wouldn’t bother to figure out what those mantras meant to me, but sure I would want to forward this message to millions if I could rescue those miserable victims of the abominable social injustice which I have been subject to, and if that was the sort of boon this message was going to bring about. But as there is simply no faith left in me any more I delete the message outright.

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